Technical Advisory Team
The EGCPJV seeks to develop, strengthen, and continually refine the biological foundation of bird conservation through the use of applied science. Science activities are coordinated by the EGCPJV Technical Advisory Team. The team serves as a forum for information transfer, integration, and interpretation among partners; identifies needs, makes recommendations, and oversees the development of science products; and coordinates large-scale monitoring, evaluation, and research activities.
Open Pine Decision Support Tool

This tool uses up-to-date research results to guide decisions about where, when, how, and why to undertake conservation actions in open pine habitats to maximize conservation benefits for birds and other wildlife.
The East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture has developed tools to guide decisions about where, how, and why to undertake conservation actions in open pine habitats to maximize conservation benefits for birds and other wildlife.[RC1]
Prioritization of areas for open pine ecosystem restoration in the Southeastern United States
Researchers with USGS developed a spatially explicit model and map, as a decision support tool (DST), to assist conservation agencies restoring and managing open pine ecosystems. The tool identifies areas that are likely to provide the greatest benefit to focal bird populations based on a comprehensive landscape analysis.
Open Pine Decision Support Tool
The Open Pine Decision Support Tool is an easily accessible, web-enabled tool, which incorporates the spatially explicit model and map. The Tool allows users to create a custom report on areas of interest, with species priority inventory. Potential products include:
- Quickly create custom prioritization maps
- HTML and CSV outputs
- Multiple visualizations
Desired Forest Conditions for Southern Pine Ecosystems

The EGCPJV, in collaboration with USFWS and NatureServe developed “Desired Forest Conditions” (DFCs) for southern pine ecosystems. DFCs provide technical recommendations for land managers on the characteristics of longleaf and other open pine systems that are most likely to support sustainable populations of wildlife.
View or download a Desired Forest Conditions Factsheet – Coming soon