Habitat Joint Ventures
Habitat joint ventures are self-directed partnerships that have agreed to implement national or international bird conservation plans within a specific geographic area.
Our Mission
The mission of the EGCPJV is to protect and restore bird populations of the East Gulf Coastal Plain by coordinating the effective conservation of key habitats.
Our Geography

The East Gulf Coastal Plain Joint Venture is a self-directed partnership of 13 state, federal, private, and academic organizations working together to coordinate bird conservation efforts in the coastal plain of six southeastern states.
Under the EGCPJV umbrella, federal, state, and private conservation organizations are united in working to achieve the vision of the EGCPJV:
- Well managed and fully functioning ecosystems that sustain bird species diversity
- Partners work toward shared, regional habitat conservation goals.
- Lead development of map-based decision support tools to guide conservation toward projects of highest ecological value.
- Monitoring and research continually improves conservation and refines priorities.